Wednesday, January 11, 2012

From TC Ticker - New Y

Dream for New Y Poised to Become Reality

2012 is poised to be the year of the New Y. In five months, more than 600 community donors stepped forward, contributing $4 million in new gifts and pledges. These contributions met the challenge pledge of an anonymous donor, who committed in early fall to give $2 million if matched by an additional $4 million in gifts. This will allow the Y to begin construction on a planned 85,000 square-foot community recreational facility. YMCA officials expect to begin the bidding process in the next several weeks and are aiming to break ground this spring. Efforts to raise $12 million toward the New Y began in 2007, with an eye on providing a family-oriented, full-service facility, featuring tennis, swimming and fitness amenities.

Click here for TC Ticker site.

Concept drawing of New Y Aquatic Center. Click picture to enlarge