Thursday, August 25, 2011


The YMCA began offering a Fall Women’s Basketball League a five years ago, to align with the switch in seasons made by the Michigan High School Athletic Association.   It’s been a very popular program ever since, and the league has been filled to capacity over the past years.

The league is open to teams of women, high school age and above. In the past many local high schools have taken advantage of this league to “get prepared” for their upcoming high school seasons that begin in November.  The league plays by local high school rules and all games are called by registered officials.  The league has filled up very quickly in the past and is a round robin format.

Registration deadline for the basketball league is September 8 with the season playing Sundays beginning September 18 to November 6.  The cost is $325 per team plus a $25 per player fee. Registration forms are available at

Call Barb Beckett at 933-9622 for more information.

 “It’s more than just a membership … It’s the YMCA!”