Thursday, August 4, 2011

Y Fall Softball

“It must be the smell of the grass or the changing of seasons. Or the fellowship of coming together to play. Or the joy of hitting the ball and the running of bases. Or the great fields we play on. Or the friendly competition played in the context of the Y’s core values. Or because it is just fun is why people continue to play softball in the fall,” according to Barb Beckett, Y Sports Director. “People are continuing surprised that the softball that happens at the Civic Center fields are Y programs and they have been for over 20 years.”

Y Men’s Fall Softball will be held on Monday and Wednesday evening with double header games whenever possible beginning September 12 at the GT Civic Center fields. It is a round robin league schedule with the first ten team registered forming the league. Registration by team is $425. And the registration deadline is August 25.

Y Coed Fall Softball will be held on Sunday late afternoons and evening beginning on September 11 at the GT Civic Center and play an approximate seven week season. The first 16 teams that are registered will form the league. Registration by team is $425 and the deadline is August 25.

Registration forms can be download and more information can be obtained at the Grand Traverse Bay YMCA website at or calling Barb Beckett at the Y at 933-9622. “It’s more than just a membership … It’s the YMCA!”