Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Lacrosse Leagues

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Grand Traverse Youth Lacrosse Association
801 S. Garfield Ave, Suite 102, Traverse City, MI 49686

Contact: Emily Burns, GTYLA Coordinator, 231-492-6666, emilyburns1@gmail.com, or Barb Beckett, Y Lacrosse League Commissioner, 231-933-9622, barbrady22@yahoo.com



Under the auspices of the YMCA Lacrosse League, the Grand Traverse Youth Lacrosse Association is now accepting registration for its spring lacrosse leagues.

This season for grades 1- 4 will play April 8 – May 27 with a $65 registration fee. Leagues for grades 5 -6 and 7-8 will play April 7 – June 5 with a $80 registration fee.

Required equipment will be a stick, gloves, arm pads and helmet. Shoulder pads are recommended as is a mouth guard.

According to Emily Burns, GT Youth Lacrosse Association, “Youth lacrosse is not a full contact sport. Kids are not allowed to hit another player with the intent of putting them on the ground.”

According to the US Lacrosse Association, Lacrosse, considered to be America's first sport, was born of the North American Indian, christened by the French, and adapted and raised by the Canadians. Modern lacrosse has been embraced by athletes and enthusiasts of the United States and the British Commonwealth for over a century.

The sport of lacrosse is a combination of basketball, soccer and hockey. Anyone can play lacrosse -- the big or the small. The game requires and rewards coordination and agility, not brawn. Quickness and speed are two highly prized qualities in lacrosse.

Registration forms can be downloaded from the league’s website at www.grandtraverselacrosse.com . The completed form with the appropriate fee is sent to the League’s Office at Grand Traverse Youth Lacrosse Association, 801 S. Garfield Ave, Suite 102, Traverse City, MI 49686. Contact Emily Burns at emilyburns1@gmail.com  for more information.

Please contact Barb Beckett, Y League Commissioner, 231-933-9622 for additional information on other Lacrosse programs in the region.