Monday, January 2, 2012


First published in the Grand Traverse Insider on Sunday, January 1, 2012

By Martha Videan, Grand Traverse Bay YMCA

Happy New Year 2012!  Once again it’s time to step boldly into a new year. Filled with zeal and excitement, many of us will take the opportunity to reevaluate personal goals and priorities. The process that brings us closer to making a change is thought provoking.  Personal goal oriented success goes hand in hand with mindset and approach.

Many of us ring in the New Year with health and fitness goals. Well-intended candidates are eager to loose accumulated pounds and promise to hit the gym everyday. Others choose stress reduction techniques that are tried and true.  Habits that put some of us in the high-risk category can be all too often just plain old hard to break!  With all systems on go the calendar marks January 1st.

To get your New Years resolutions off to a good start these suggestions can help you make healthy and attainable goals this year.

First: be realistic.  Determine where you would like to see yourself in six months.  Plan to evaluate your progress on a regular basis and don’t abandon your idea.  You may need to “fine tune” your plan along the way.  Break your goal down into smaller goals that will help you reach your end result.  If you want to loose weight, plan time during the week to exercise.  Choose activities that are appealing to you.  Try a new activity that you’ve always wanted to take a crack at.  Be realistic about the time you can commit to your exercise plan.  Start slow and then add a new class or activity to keep things fun and interesting.  Make your exercise choices become a part of daily life.  Try walking from the back of the parking lot instead of choosing the spot closest to the front door.  Ride your bike or walk to a destination instead of driving. Even in the winter!  Be active for at least 2 ½ hours per week.  If your resolution is to eat healthier, begin by eliminating one unhealthy food from your diet at a time, not ALL unhealthy food all at once. Grab a healthy snack like fruit, nuts or low-fat cheese.  Follow the USDA, , the new way for healthy food choices and serving sizes. 

Second:  Surround yourself with people and places that will support your goals.  Social support can be a great strengthener of motivation.  Rely on your friends to support you in your resolutions and do the same for them.

Third: Make your goals S.M.A.R.T.

Specific:  What are you trying to achieve? and Why? .   Identify the purpose of your efforts.  Make your goals simple and clear.  Write down what your goals are and why you are doing them.

Measurable:  Choose a goal with measurable progress so you can see change, overcome setbacks, keep on track and adhere to your commitment.

Attainable:   Ensure that your goal is attainable by considering financial resources, your current living situation and time available.  Set your goal as a challenge, but not too far out or too short.  You don’t want to become discouraged.

Realistic:  Ideally, you would want to return to your high school weight.  Set your goal to a weight that you know you will feel better.  You may just want to fit more easily into a favorite pair of jeans.

Time-bound:  Using dates and times as measurements toward successful completion of your goal are critical.  Build in a reward system for milestones:  a massage, a getaway weekend, whatever makes you happy and keeps you motivated to stay on track.

It’s important to put your goals in writing.  You will remember exactly what you are trying to achieve and how you plan to get there.  Create the atmosphere for success and meet each day with a compassion for the influences that surround you.  Revisit your goals often and always know that your best effort, great or small, brings you closer to the outcome that you set out to achieve. 

The Grand Traverse Bay YMCA,, has a variety of activities that will inspire those young and old enough to be young at heart.  The YMCA offers fitness classes that include Boot Camp, Zumba, Mat Pilates, Strength and Conditioning and TRX.  You will find a variety of tennis classes, basketball leagues even pickle ball.  The weight room is available to YMCA members and a staff member will be happy to show you the ropes! Call 933-9622 for more information.

Martha Videan is a ACE Certified Personal Trainer and a Grand Traverse Bay YMCA Fitness Instructor