WHAT: Boys 6th-8th Grade Team Tennis featuring weekly matches against other teams and coach-scheduled practices covering fundamentals of scoring and rules, stroke development, and strategy. Teams will be formed by school, but may be combined if necessary. 8-10 players/team.
WHERE: Matches may be played at a different site each week. Parents will be responsible for transportation to and from all sites.
COST: $25 for YMCA Members, $60 for non-Members includes T-Shirt, awards, instruction, and all play.
To register, return this form Click Here with payment to the YMCA. Coaches will contact their players prior to the first practice. (Add $10 late fee after registration deadline.)
PARENTS: If you’d like to volunteer to coach or assistant-coach, please contact Joseph Van Deinse at 933-YMCA (933-9622).